1 Title: Jennifer Aniston's Fitness Secrets Discover how Jennifer Aniston stays in shape with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

2 Title: Balanced Diet Aniston emphasizes the importance of eating nutritious foods like lean protein, fruits, and vegetables to fuel her body.

3 Title: Consistent Workouts Find out how Aniston stays active with a mix of cardio, strength training, and yoga for a well-rounded fitness regime.

4 Title: Mindful Practices Learn how meditation and mindfulness help Aniston stay focused and reduce stress in her daily life.

5 Title: Hydration is Key Aniston swears by drinking plenty of water to keep her skin glowing and her body functioning at its best.

6 Title: Rest and Recovery Discover how Aniston prioritizes sleep and rest days to recharge and support her overall health and well-being.

7 Title: Positive Mindset Aniston's positive attitude and self-care practices contribute to her mental and emotional well-being.

8 Title: Body-Positive Approach Learn how Aniston embraces her natural physique and practices self-love and acceptance.

9 Title: Takeaways Incorporate Aniston's fitness secrets into your own routine for a healthier, happier lifestyle.